Wednesday, June 10, 2009

News from the Country Estate June 10, 2009


-Back in Maine, the way life should be, waiting out a rainy week, dodging Black Flies, mosquitos and ticks.

-The garden soldiers on despite a concerted attack of the local slug contingent:

Collateral damage, a mostly eaten butternut squash.

-I've pretty much given up on the butternut squash. Its a little late to be planting more. There are a few water melons hanging on, as the slugs don't seem to like them as much.

Tomatoes in the bed next to the deck.

The right half is our garden, the left is our landlords'.

Peas Left, Turnips Right.

Lettuce/Onions/Kohlrabi Left, Sweet Basil Right.

Open sown corn and beans. Only the beans are coming up.

A hill of pumpkins.

Spring chickens. John Barleycorn, the lieutenant rooster is on the left.

The Commodore, the dominant rooster, front and center.

In other news, the transportation infrastructure has changed, as I have traded the 2005 Chevy for a 2004 Dodge 2500 with only 22,500 miles and everything on it. It came with a 8.5 foot Fisher V-plow.

Snazzy. And supremely useful.

Plow and newly painted boat trailer

-I also recently traded some labor for a lightly used but in working order job-box for my voluminous amounts of tools. Now I can lock them securely in box weighing close to 500lbs. My theory for preventing theft is to make it supremely inconvenient to steal my stuff. You can never make something completely secure because if someone wants something bad enough, they'll find a way to get it. But if it is sufficiently inconvenient to take something, it will keep something 99% secure. The other thing is to keep the other subcontractors on your site happy, because if they're mad at you, they're more likely to take it out on your tools.

-The rain and wetness continues.


1 comment:

Nick said...

Congrats on the truck! It's pimping alright!