Thursday, April 23, 2009


Well Hello there spring chicken! The cute little chicks of 8 weeks ago are looking more and more hen-ish every day. They're out in the coop now and if its warm enough we let them venture out into the chicken yard.

I've been pretty busy working. I'm back to timberframing. we're working on a four-bent two story frame in Douglas Fir. We just started laying out posts and connectors today. For the last three days we had been working on a barn restoration in the North Whitefield. My truck was all loaded up with staging and tools from that job in the picture below.

In the background you can see a set of braces for another frame that I helped cut recently, as well as the my motorcycle and a Fisher Minute-mount plow that I bought a few weeks back. As you can see, the grass is greening up nicely with the April showers. What you can't see is that the driveway is still a mud-pit as we enter Mud-Season Part II: Return of the Ruts. To top it off, the truck needs new tires, so the mud really gets slick. I'm thinking of lifting the truck 3 inches or so and getting a set of more aggressive tires so I don't get stuck as often.

We still haven't gotten the garden in. Maybe we'll get some peas planted this weekend. Its supposed to be 74 degrees on Saturday. I managed to kill all my seedlings by splitting them up and then forgetting to water them because I was busy working. I think I'll try again though, putting fewer seeds in each peat-pot and watering them more often.

I said ooh, aah fhwgds.....


1 comment:

Nick said...

Wow, those chicks grow up fast!