Monday, March 16, 2009

Mudseason and Chickens!

With lots of snow and rain comes mudseason in March:

The area behind the car port.

The Driveway a few days ago. It is worse now.

With the arrival of mudseason comes this years chicks. There are 26 in the kiddie pool. All different kinds. Theoretically I own 1/3 of them, although I have no idea what to do with them or how to take care of them just yet.

The breezeway is already starting to smell like chickens.....

We successfully completed our taxes yesterday, something I consider a major milestone of adult responsibility. If it were just a couple W-2's and a refund, no problem, but we had something like 6 W-2's, 3 1099's, 3 1098E's, a schedule C, and a section 179 from several different states. Despite owing the government a considerable amount, I was happy to see that our overall tax burden is pretty small, much less than it would be if were 'successful' in economic terms.

That's how it looks from the Country Estate.



Nick said...

Hot chicks! I love blog entries with hot chicks!

Walter Jeffries said...

Chicks look good. We too have found the wading pools to be ever so good for getting them started. As they get a little older I use a roll of flashing to raise the wall. Nice hard wood floor below... Keep that clean! :}

Congrats on the taxes, I'm impressed. I tend to be late. :{

Christopher Gerald Wagner said...

The chicks have now graduated to a cat-proof pen, which I'll show a picture of in the next post.

The wood floor does look nice in a lo-res pic like that, its actually an inexpensive laminate.