Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Occasional Moose

Sometimes you're driving down a lonely dirt road in central Maine in the Winter and you spy a moose. Even more rare is that you're going slow enough and happen to have the camera in the truck, so you take a few terrible photos of said moose. This happened to me last week.

This was a particularly young gangly moose (not unlike myself) just hangin around looking for things too eat. My truck scared it just enough to make it amble away with a moose-like gait. The other guys I'm working with said they saw the moose again a few days later in the same area.

We're getting a small respite from the bitter cold of last week. For a few days it was right around zero during the day and very windy. Not good days to be working outside, but outside we worked anyway. I've learned an important lesson, that if the torso stays warm so do the hands and feet.

Three more days of work, then Christmas weekend, four days of glorious celebrating, sleeping and eating.

1 comment:

Адам said...

They also make fantastic sausages. I wouldn't mind having a herd of my own someday.