To whom it may concern,
I've got work lined up for at least two months, which is more than most these days.
I've traded some labor for a sailboat.
It was 80 degrees today.
That is all.
15 years ago
To and fro. Hither and thither. Whence and Thence.
Hi Chris, this is Dad. Fun to see you so busy now and being able to work with your hands. Makes me wish I was starting all over again. Enjoy the freedom tackling all of these things now when you are not all bogged down with obligations. Micah 6:8
Your dad showed me this site and I'm way jealous of the garden you are planting! you know my yard is not agood fit for one. I'm limited to a couple plants in pots.
I fed your dad and Brian dinner now they're both fading fast!
Tell Kaitlin "Hi" for us and hope you guys can make it out here this summer. Lots of good music coming to summerfest!!!! Sue
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